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Other Scales and Gauges

Archive from about 2003: Last updated Apr 2016. (most links are no longer operational)

Other Garden Railway Scales

Big Scale, Small Space?

GN15 logo I recently came across a modelling scale called "Gn15", which aims to represent 15-inch gauge railways in "G" scales (approx 1:20th on standard OO gauge track). The idea is that it allows the modeller to create extremely detailed models because of the large scale, yet in a small space, typical of very narrow gauge railway.

There's a lot more information on this Gn15 website.

For those interested in constructing "Micro Layouts", there are examples and plans available from Carendt.com

Scale: ~1:20th
Gauge: 18mm (representing 15")

Even narrower gauge track

picture of a G-Nine layout And as if Gn15 isn't crazy enough, there's another bunch of people modelling in the same scale, but on even narrower track. They're using N gauge track, which would typically represent about 7 inches between the rails in G scale. They've called this Gnine (pronounced like gnome with a silent G!)
Scale: ~1:20th
Gauge: 9mm (representing 7")

Gauge 1 in the garden. Large scale, large space

a gauge one garden railway locomotive There's a very comprehensive website about building a Gauge 1 garden layout, at www.gaugeonelayout.com/Denbury.

See in particular the article on baseboard construction and the gallery for the photos.

There's a subtle difference between British "Gauge 1", which is a scale of 10mm to the foot (1:30.5 scale), and International "Gauge 1" which is a scale of 1:32. There's a detailed explanation here.

(N.B. (2024) these links don't work any longer. here were the baseboard pictures)

Scale: ~1:30.5
Gauge: 1¾inch, 44.45mm (representing 4'8¼")
Common name: Gauge 1